Melinda Fagan

Melinda Fagan is Sterling McMurrin Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Utah (USA). Her research is in philosophy of science, focusing on experimental practice in biology (particularly stem cell and developmental biology), explanation, and conceptions of objectivity and evidence.

John Dupré

John Dupré is Professor of Philosophy of science at the University of Exeter (UK), with a main focus on philosophy of biology. He is the Director of Egenis, the Centre for the Study of Life Sciences.

Stephen M. Downes

Stephen M. Downes is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah. His research interests are in Philosophy of Biology with a particular focus on Evolutionary Approaches to understanding human behavior and Human Evolution more generally.

Michael Dietrich

Michael Dietrich is a Professor and Department Chair at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America. He works on History and Philosophy of Biology with an emphasis on scientific controversies in twentieth century genetics and evolutionary biology as well as the histories of developmental biology and molecular evolution.