The PhilInBioMed International Network is structured around three entities, the Members, the Steering Committee and the Scientific Committee. The members are at the heart of PhilInBioMeds activities. They collaborate on various subjects, exchange ideas and once a year they come together at the PhilInBioMed Network Meeting.

The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is composed of 14 members, one from each of the participating institutions. It treats topics that pertain to the organizational structure or the general management of the network. Questions that might be addressed by the Steering Committee include the admission of new member institutions, the time and location of the next PhilInBioMed Network Meeting or the exchange of students and staff between the different member institutions.
The members of the Steering Committee are:
Lucie Laplane
Institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Techniques (IHPST), CNRS & University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)
The Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee has an advisory role to the network. Its members are either philosophers who are interested in science and publish in science journals or scientists who publish in philosophy journals or have co-authored papers with philosophers.
The members of this committee accept:
- to promote interactions between philosophy, biology, and medicine in their own research environment;
- to be occasionally solicited as referees for a limited number of abstract submissions for PhilInBioMed conferences or workshops
The members of the Scientific Committee are: